
What do I look like?

My mom tells me these days that I look just like I did as a child. She sometimes touches my face when she says this. These moments are so full of grace to me. I am a thing she created, now fully formed. I’m also slightly confused by this, since the conclusion by all those who watched me grow up has been face has not changed. I had to find out. What do i look like?

Inspired by, Favour Jonathan’s study of black hair using passport photographs. I’ve decided to conduct a small study on my face.

Here is my face through 25 years

My first finding is remembering that I did not like my face very much in my teens. I felt my self plain and in a way I was grateful for it. All through those cloudy years of teenage angst, I always liked my eyes. Now, I love them.

All of my faces.

My second is realizing that every one was right, my face has not changed. My mother is also right, My face is returning in some way to the way it was.

I know what I look like. She looks like me

About Author

Hello! I'm Oluwakemi Agbato, a writer and designer. All of my work lives here and some of my thoughts too.

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