Oluwakemi Agbato, blogger


I’m Oluwakemi Agbato.

I’m a writer and a designer. For now. I told my friend years ago that I owe it to myself to honour all of my creative leanings. That is a promise I plan to keep to myself.

About 3 years ago, I made my way into the world of interiors. I was 3 years into a degree I hated, desperate to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Interior design was so exciting, it made use of everything I was good at in ways nothing else had ever done. It opened my eyes to the world of design in all of its lengths and breadth and now I know what I’d like to do with my life. I am here to make things.
This blog began as Terracotta and Silk, a space for me to share and think through interior design and home improvement. As the scope of my practice expands, I’ve found it necessary to make more of myself available here.
I consider this my archive, where I’ll be sharing experiments, critique, travel, musings, poetry all of it really. Just like my old blog, but older and wiser.

Some of my prose lives here. Read on Medium.