Design / Reviews


Part 4 of this review already. I’m so excited to review the last 2 episodes which are all about the finale. But you can’t have the cart before the horse so here’s my review of episodes 8 and 9.


I think this episode annoyed me because I’m currently studying colour theory and most of the information provided here is wrong. It was so ground breaking it was to learn that red, blue and yellow are only primary colors of vision and not as relevant while working with colors. A better selection of colors are cyan, magenta and yellow. I’ve been learning all of this from colour nerd on Tiktok who also recommended some books that I have been reading. I know I shouldn’t be arrogant because I’m just learning so I had to reign myself in.

Let’s get in to it

The contestants are taken to Pop beach club. A beach house which is quite colourful with bright colours and patterns everywhere. The contestants were given a tour and Titi and Osaru explain some technicalities of color and how it can be used in a space.

Their first task was a pop quiz. They were asked long and short-form questions on colour like; What colour would you use to shrink a space? List 3 things to think about when specifying colours. What’s Pantone’s colour of the year? For this task, the first to finish the quiz was the winner, and it was Ife who finished first. I would have ignored the quiz if Titi didn’t claim that it was to prepare them for being able to make color decisions on their feet. I think comes from study and experience. Not a pop quiz.

For the main task, all contestants were given about 15 buckets to pick from to paint a blank wall. The contestants were asked to paint with one main colour and an accent colour and they would be judged on their colour selection and interpretation.

I had many issues with this challenge. First that the contestants were provided with funny low saturation emulsion paints. Everyone knows that a lot of times what is referred to as off-white or cream when selecting paints in the Nigerian market is often a pale yellow. And that mistake was made here too. I also had issues with the judging. In one instance, Titi Fowora marked Ife low because she used two primary colors. The primary colors being a navy blue and a bright yellow. Ife explained that she chose those colours based on contrast which is a well-known technique. Following Titi’s reasoning no one one would ever mix any shades of red, blue or yellow which includes dozens if not hundreds of colors.

After the judging, Tayo emerged first because he had a clear concept and picked colors which matched up to that. Vivian and Seun had to go back to the drawing board because their colour selections were too weak and they also didn’t do so well on the quiz.

One thing I’ve also noticed is that the Judges state the winner before they announce it to the contestants and that removes the suspense from the episode.


This episode was a filler episode.

The episode opened with contestants receiving a tour of Miliki, a members’ only lounge designed by Patrick Koshoni. He went on to give them advice and answer their questions on marketing, interior design constraints in Nigeria and deadline with foreign clients.

Next up was Mr Fowora from an earlier episode who spoke to them about project management, dealing with contractors and the need for structured processed.

The last stop was a sit down with the Michael Banjo, founder of Decor and Rainbow, an interior design practice and training institute. The contestants were able to ask the founder about his goal, his experience with expanding his business to Nigeria and what his thoughts were about the future of the Nigerian Design industry.

The task for the day was an interview with Titi and Osaru. The contestants were asked to sell themselves. They were asked other “job interview “questions like “who are you?” and “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

By the end of the interviews, it was which clear was going forward. Tayo and Ife had communicated what the wanted for their careers effectively and Lekan had not. So it was back to the drawing board (eviction) for Lekan.

This was the weakest episode which wasn’t great because the next episode was the finale. I feel like they could have thought harder about the episode placement and how an interview as a design task would feel anticlimactic. Oh well.

I ended up not reviewing episode 10 in this post because I realized the finale was split in to two; one part labeled episode 10 and the other labelled finale. So that will be reviewed together in the last blog post in this series.

Have you got to watching the show? Let me know your thoughts.

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About Author

Hello! I'm Oluwakemi Agbato, a writer and designer. All of my work lives here and some of my thoughts too.

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